Being Sober in College

I want to start this blog by being clear about the fact that I by no means am writing this to be judgmental, but just to write my experience about being sober in college. My friends will readily tell you that I am the one who you call when you drank a little too much…

Favorite Five

I recently opened up my instagram questions to see what people who read my blog wanted to see. One of the top answers were my “top picks” of what I am loving right now. It is almost unreal to me that people want to know what I am into (Me?? Does this make me a…

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: Spend Time Abroad

In the weeks that I have been in abroad, I have travelled to several cities in Italy, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, France, and Ireland (so far). I am very aware of how blessed I am to be having this experience. I know that many people would love the opportunity to travel as much as…

It was all Greek to me

I never imagined myself a sorority girl. When I started at Wofford I gave no thought to rush, it just didn’t seem up my alley. My only idea of what sororities were was what I saw in movies. I thought that it was superficial. I prematurely judged what it would mean to be a “sorority…

My (Sister’s) Big Fat Indian Wedding

I can’t believe it’s been a month since my sister Fatema got married. It feels like yesterday that we were fighting over whether or not I had worn her clothes without asking (this sentence makes me sound old)! In the midst of all the celebrating I had the realization that this is the first and…

Buongiorno Milano// Good Morning Milan

If you follow me on any sort of social media, you know that this semester I traded out Wofford’s campus for the fashion capital of the world. I am spending the semester studying finance in the hustle and bustle of Milan, Italy (yeah not as cool as studying fashion, I know). I think the general…


Are you happy? That’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. Honestly, what do I have to be upset about? I have a great life, great friends, and a great family. I get to go to an awesome school and I am experiencing some of the most amazing moments of my life. I…

Cheers to the Lessons of 20 Years

Okay I’m no expert and I’ve only been twenty for like a couple of hours, but still… Here are the 10 things that I think every 20-year-old (20 something year old? Almost 20-year-old?) should know: Be smart with your money Let me tell y’all… being smart with your money is so important. My friends would…

The heart behind Hustle + Heart

Hello? Is this thing on? Word. I’ll start this off by saying that yes, I guess what I want to share on here is technically a lifestyle blog. But honestly, I don’t know the first thing about beautifully curated table arrangements, my nail polish is almost always chipped, I think matcha tastes like dirt, and…